====== GIT-SVN Crib Sheet ====== [[wp>Git_(software)|GIT]] can interact with a [[wp>Subversion_(software)|SubVersion]] repository. This is my "Quick-Reference" page for doing just that. ===== Interacting with the SVN central repository ===== ^ SVN ^ GIT ^ | svn up | git svn rebase | | svn commit | git svn dcommit | | svn log | git svn log | | svn blame | git svn blame | | svn info | git svn info | | svn checkout | git svn clone | | svn proplist | git svn proplist | | svn propget | git svn propget | ===== Interacting with the local GIT archive ===== ^ SVN ^ GIT ^ Notes ^ | svn up | git rebase | Only applicable when merging to/from other local branches | | svn commit | ''git add'', followed by ''git commit'' | | | svn log --limit={N} | git log -n{N} | | | svn blame | git blame | | | svn info | - | N/A for local GIT | | svn checkout | git clone | | | svn cat | git show :path/to/file.ext | Use ''HEAD^'' as for SVN's ''PREV'' | | svn status | git status | | ===== Interacting with a remote GIT archive ===== ^ SVN ^ GIT ^ Notes ^ | svn up | git pull {URL} | Must provide URL. Can create URL aliases, see "REMOTES" in ''man git-pull'' | | svn commit | git commit && git push | Commits to the *local* branch, then publishes the commit to the remote (assuming you have permission to do so) | | svn log --limit={N} | git log remotes/origin | Where ''origin'' is the original branch. Use ''git branch -r'' to see a list of remote branches | | svn blame | git blame | | | svn info | git remote show origin | Assuming ''origin'' is your tracking branch | | svn checkout | git clone | |