====== VPN via SSH TAP interfaces ====== Useful to run the following on both local and remote, to get a sense of what's happening: * ''bridge monitor'' * ''watch ip --brief address'' * ''watch ip --brief link'' * ''watch bridge link'' VM, where eth1 is connected to the network I want to make my RPi appear in: Vagrantfile (based on using [[https://www.parallels.com/|Parallels]], rather than VirtualBox): # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : BRIDGE_ADAPTORS=[ "en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)", # MacBook Pro (MacOS v10.15, Catalina), VirtualBox "en0", # MacBook Pro (MacOS v10.15, Catalina), Parallels "eno1", # Ubuntu 16.04 LTS # Add your OS's default here ] Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = "bento/ubuntu-20.04" config.vm.network "public_network", bridge: BRIDGE_ADAPTORS config.vm.provider "parallels" do |prl| # Cf. http://download.parallels.com/doc/pcs/html/Parallels_Cloud_Server_Command_Line_Reference_Guide/32912.htm prl.customize ["set", :id, "--device-set", "net0", "--ipfilter", "no", "--macfilter", "no", "--preventpromisc", "no"] prl.customize ["set", :id, "--device-set", "net1", "--ipfilter", "no", "--macfilter", "no", "--preventpromisc", "no"] end config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: true, inline: <<-SHELL # Secure Shell daemon configuration changes echo "PermitTunnel yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl reload sshd # Root account is disabled by default (password begins with literal '!'), # so we'll change the password to re-enable the account usermod -p '*' root # Install GadgetPi's ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, so it can login as root without # requiring an operator umask 0077 mkdir /root/.ssh echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCx963D3ErL6s9uWmSye1ZU+TCS4aDAJBbQI/NZLqg05EXnYVfXEPm2ZuStij4JjsIgdFbL+E73vd/alNgUBpe1YD73+oP9ndSdsAU/kXrx/zy0qCRWsi4fma6MmGIU0sYFuNvnwKsyjoFu0g5Y4SKQeD/0J7f+AmP4XOSnR2mhcFFE96wFYdq1UJanky0YI/oJcz2CRny5tO+iCjqm98BcvnEI/3vQOH4fOtffzW1SvqDobiQtP58POHd2NfRJo9ygVemCFqdvV9v17tvuhW0AxBZcBm1TZ9wb/oQnWvR8OvqO0XSYGZYuC+DERCSC+3dLSNL/LmoDDDdIjgHXTUNv root@raspberrypi " >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # Enable acting as a router (forwarding packets) echo "" >> /etc/sysctl.conf # In case the file does not end with a newline echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl --load /etc/sysctl.conf SHELL config.vm.post_up_message = <<-EOF Run the following on this VM: ETH1_IP= sudo ip link add br0 up type bridge # Create a bridge sudo ip address add ${ETH1_IP} dev br0 # Copy the address and netmask of eth1 sudo ip address flush dev eth1 # Remove eth1's addresses completely sudo ip link set eth1 master br0 # Attach eth1 to the bridge Run the following on the GadgetPi: REMOTE_HOST= sudo ip link add br0 up type bridge sudo ip link set eth0 up master br0 sudo ssh \\ -o PermitLocalCommand=yes \\ -o "LocalCommand=ip link set tap5 up master br0" \\ -o Tunnel=ethernet \\ -w 5:5 \\ -t \\ root@${REMOTE_HOST} \\ "ip link set tap5 up master br0" EOF end ===== Debugging ===== I found [[https://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages/tshark.html| tshark - Dump and analyze network traffic]] useful, as it can capture ethernet frames to a file (such as ''/vagrant/tshark'') which you can then load into the Wireshark GUI after the fact.